Celia's Journey (Blog Archive)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Giving Thanks

 "Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted." -John 6:11 NIV

     Today was, thankfully, a relatively uneventful day for Celia.  Last night she had a rough night as she went without pain medication.  This morning, she had a couple of crying fits, but was able to have a bit more medication and rest comfortably.  Her intestines have been greatly reduced into her abdomen and this has led to an increase in pain and a harder time breathing.  It is still a tricky balancing act between pain, medication, and comfort.  Through it all, Julya and Alex have been amazing with their ability to soothe their sweet baby girl.

 We are thankful for sweet moments we have with Celia right now as her tiny body prepares for another surgery this week.  We thank God for her energy, good coloring, strength, and beauty.

Thank you, Lord, for the sweet moments of eye contact.

Thank you for those beautiful eyes that speak more to us than words ever could :)

 "If I ever complain about a nurse or a doctor again, slap me," said Grandpa Dan as he drove away from the hospital this evening.  We are beyond grateful for the compassionate, gentle, and sharp doctors and nurses who take care of our beautiful baby!  We are in awe of the great care we are receiving at Blank Children's Hospital- from janitors to volunteers to receptionists to doctors to nurses.  We have experienced so much of the love of Jesus through these amazing people!

Thank you for the sweet words in cards, beautiful gifts, and unselfish service!
 We are thankful for Celia's sweet cousins who have decorated her room.  These sweet kids haven't been able to meet their cousin yet, but have sent their love!

We are still thankful for that handy pacifier! It sure makes a good finger stand-in.

 "Thanksgiving creates abundance; and the miracle of multiplying happens when I give thanks- take the just one loaf, say it is enough, and give thanks- and He miraculously makes it more than enough." -Ann Voskamp One Thousand Gifts

Please pray that Celia's bowels will begin to work and that bowel sounds may be heard!

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